
Upgrade And Refurbishment





Great Britain


United Arab Emirates







Intensiv Filter Himenviro: Upgrade And Refurbishment Services

With a varied range of environmental technologies, Himenviro can provide plant upgrades to meet the most stringent emissions legislation. We can supply products from individual components to complete turnkey and partnering packages. With the growing need to burn a mixed range of fuels for captive boilers, and different grades of coals in power stations, coupled with plant capacity enhancements and lower emission compliance standards, many existing precipitator installations require upgrades, at a minimum cost.

Upgrade And Refurbishment Solution
Improving Existing Precipitator Performance
  • Changing of discharge electrodes of different profiles based on application
  • Change of collecting electrode rapping system
  • Change of discharge electrode rapping
  • Optimization and upgrading of TR sets with the latest control system
  • Improvement and optimization of gas flow distribution systems
  • Rapping optimization

The latest emissions regulations have reduced the maximum allowable emission limits to such a degree that many existing precipitators cannot achieve compliance. In such cases, it becomes necessary to provide costly additional fields or to install cost-effective, high-efficiency, retrofit fabric filter technology in the existing casing.

Benefits For ESP Conversions And Retrofits Made By Himenviro

In addition to the general advantages of bag filters, the following important and economic benefits can be taken into consideration for such an investment:

  • Lower clean gas dust emissions compared to the ESP operations
  • An economical bag filter design using low pressure off – line cleaning in combination with a bag length up to 8m can be foreseen for ESP conversions, to decrease the pressure drop across the bag filter and to increase the bag lifetime
  • Re-use of the existing casing, ductwork, steel support, dust transport, and auxiliary equipment
  • Flexible and pre-assembled filter head module design reduces downtime to a minimum and enables the plant to execute ESP conversions during regular plant shutdown times
  • Low-cost solution compared to the cost of a new installation
Retrofit and up-gradation for Fabric Filters.

These include extensions, module additions/retrofits (as per requirement) to reduce outlet emission and enhance bag life.

Our Services

In the food industry, spraying tower drying plants are used in the production of pulverized goods (milk powder, baby food, etc.).

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