Conversion of an Electrostatic Precipitator into an Intensiv EcoJet Filter for dedusting of cement kiln exhaust gases

Conversion of an Electrostatic Precipitator into an Intensiv EcoJet Filter for dedusting of cement kiln exhaust gases

Mighty Solutions for Tiny Particles: Intensiv EcoJet-Filter for Dedusting of a Cement Kiln.

The previously utilised electrostatic precipitator technology can no longer keep within current emission limit values. Rotary kiln exhaust gases are nowadays dedusted by modern bag filters. The installation is designed for two different operation modes. It enables combined operation with the raw meal grinding plant or direct operation via a cyclone preheater and gas conditioning tower.
At the old location of the electrostatic precipitator a completely new housing was positioned on the dust hopper. All existing dust transport systems can continue to be used as before. The pre-erection of the new filter housing took place during operation and reduced the downtime to a minimum.
As, “intelligent cleaning control” a Jet Bus-System is used at Intensiv Filter Himenviro by using microprocessor technology. The modular construction of the system enables a flexible control structure which is easy to change or extend retrospectively.
Conversion of an Electrostatic Precipitator

The filter can be operated either in ON or OFF-line mode. Here, the JetBus-Controller controls the cleaning pre-pressure and drives the pneumatically operated clean-gas valves. The coupling to higher-level
systems occurs via standard-coupling modules which are activated between controller and process-control system.
When using the JetBus-Controller the compressed air pressure needed for cleaning is set by the unit‘s
parameters. The operation of the unit is automatically adapted to the prevalent conditions by regulating
the cleaning level. The regulating factor here is the filter resistance. Within a predetermined „measuring
period“ the cleaning system checks the unit‘s parameters and sets itself to self-changing data. The operational data of the dedusting unit are permanently adapted in this way. Filter resistance and compressed air consumption are minimised and the life of the filter bags increased.

Conversion of Electrostatic Precipitator to EcoJet Filter offers the following advantages:

  • Reduction of operational costs (filter resistance, compressed air consumption, longer filter bag life)
  • Adapts to changing demands (e.g. combined and direct operation)
  • Construction of a defined filter-cake
  • Utilisation options of efficient but sensitive filter media
  • Use of filter bags of up to 8 m in length to reduce investment costs.
Design data of the EcoJet-Dedusting unit

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